Editorial of the special issue, “Evolution and tectonic correlations of East and South Asia: A geochemical, petrological and tectonic perspective”


This special issue addresses a wide range of topics related to petrological, geochemical, and tectonic processes in Asia and aims to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Korea-China joint research and to establish the basis for a joint research project among Korea and other Asian countries, including Japan, India and Sri Lanka in the future. This special issue consists of papers presented at the International Meeting (Tectonic Evolution of Asia from Precambrian to present time, 2019/10/23–24, Jeju, South Korea, Geological Society of Korea) which celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Korea-China joint research and other invited manuscripts. The editorial team of this special issue includes five Guest Editors: Chang Whan Oh (Korea), Mingguo Zhai (China), Krishnan Sajeev (India), Tatsuki Tsujimori (Japan), and Scott Whattam (Canada). Prof. J.G. Liou of Stanford University, also helped us to prepare this special issue.
